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GIC – Gundam Italian Club

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GIC – Gundam Italian Club

Il GIC – Gundam Italian Club nasce per radunare sotto un’unica bandiera ufficiale i fan italiani, ponendosi come punto di incontro per tutti coloro che vogliono condividere idee, gusti e passioni all’insegna del Mobile Suit bianco.

The GIC – Gundam Italian Club was created to gather Italian fans under a single official flag, acting as a meeting point for all those who want to share ideas, tastes and passions in the name of the white Mobile Suit.

Le GIC – Gundam Italian Club a été créé pour rassembler les fans italiens sous un seul drapeau officiel, servant de point de rencontre pour tous ceux qui veulent partager des idées, des goûts et des passions au nom du Mobile Suit blanc.

Sito Ufficiale

Logo EFGF european federation

EFGF – European Federation of Gundam Fanclubs – Founder
