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LAPLACE WHERE IT ALL BEGAN ottavo episodio di UC RE 0096 online su Daisuki

laplace where it all began ottavo episodio di uc re 0096 online su daisukiLAPLACE WHERE IT ALL BEGAN ottavo episodio di UC Re 0096 online su DASIUKI.
La nuova serie televisiva di Gundam (Che ricordiamo è il frutto del montaggio con aggiunta di parti inedite del celebre omonimo OAV di 7 episodi Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn trasmesso dal 2010 al 2014) prosegue con l’ottavo episodio, online sul portale !
Di seguito la sinossi in inglese dal portale

    “Marida, now a prisoner of the Federation, tells Banagher to keep on saying, “Even so…” She says that he has the power to awaken another system that sleeps within the Unicorn Gundam. Marida herself is to be transferred to Earth on the instructions of Martha Carbine, Syam Vist’s granddaughter and currently the acting head of the Vist Foundation. It was Martha who ordered Alberto to prevent the opening of Laplace’s Box, the Foundation’s lifeline. Meanwhile, Banagher heads for the new set of coordinates revealed by the La+ Program. This is the wreckage of Laplace, the prime minister’s residence that was destroyed by a terrorist bombing at the dawn of the Universal Century. At first, Banagher resists Daguza’s orders, but after he learns from Otto that Daguza was the one who led the operation to rescue him, Banagher agrees to launch in the Unicorn Gundam.”

Ecco il link dell’ottavo episodio intitolato : LAPLACE WHERE IT ALL BEGAN

Buona visione!!
